Cannington United Reformed Church

Active In Age

‘Sit, Fit and Fun’.  Mondays 2pm

Contact Eileen MacDonald 01278 652250

‘Tai Chi’   Thursdays 10.30-11.30

Time Out

Every other Friday, from 12-2pm

Bring your own lunch & spend time chatting while you eat. Drinks provided.

Everyone welcome. Come for as long as you like & enjoy the company of others.

Contact: Margaret Boyd 01278 653214

Lunch Club

Experience the legendary Cannington URC hospitality with a home-cooked, two-course lunch. This weekly event is a real blessing to the 40-50 people who dine here.

Our doors are open to all but it does help with the catering if we know you’d like to come.

For more details phone Gina Bryant on 01278 652 796.

Cannington Pantry

The pantry provides tinned and packet goods to those in need. You do not need to be on benefits & no food bank voucher is required.

There is also chilled food nearing its use by date in our fridge, fresh fruit and vegetables, and dry goods nearing or past their best before date. Please help yourself to save this food going to landfill.

We are open:

Mondays 2-3pm, Tuesdays 9am- 2.30pm, Thursdays 10.30am -11.30am, Sundays 9.00am – 11.30am

Toast Church

10.00- 12.00 1st Saturday of the month. 

Come & have toast & a drink while enjoying some crafts. Includes games & a worship time. 

For more details phone Gina Bryant on 01278 652 796.

Pray Ground

2nd Friday of the month

4th Sunday of the month.

Exploring ways of listening to God in contemplative prayer. 

Everyone welcome.
