
Making a difference for Christ’s sake

We aim to continue the work of Christ by encouraging and supporting people in our area and the wider world, to discover their potential with God, each other and creation

Eco Church

Caring for God’s earth
From recycling, to buying Fair Trade products, to twinning toilets in Uganda, to planting flowers, to ensuring our buildings are energy efficient, to swapping single use plastics, and to beach cleans, our churches are doing lots to care for God’s earth.

Both Cannington & Westfield have been awarded Bronze & now Silver Eco Church by A Rocha UK. Both communities are working hard to achieve the Gold award. Please see our Eco Champions to find out what you can do to help care for God’s earth.

Food Bank

Bridgwater Food Bank was founded by local churches and community groups & run by volunteers, working together towards stopping hunger in the local area.

Fare Share South West  

Saving good food from going to waste by redistributing it around the South West

Our FareShare Personal Stats:

Westfield and Cannington Church have
received 2.4 TONNES WORTH OF SURPLUS FOOD from FareShare South West over the last 12 months

(not incl. FS processes)


We are Fairtrade churches and aim to promote ethical shopping as a lifestyle choice.

Fairtrade works with farming co-operatives, businesses and governments to make trade fairer so that producers enjoy secure and sustainable livelihoods, fulfil their potential, and decide on their future.

Commitment for Life 

Standing up for global justice & making a difference to the most vulnerable people in the world. 

Our area of support: Israel & the occupied Palestinian territory. 


We have a long term partnership with Uganda

We currently support Run Dental & The Fortress

Run Dental – improving the overall health & wellbeing of underserved communities by providing basic healthcare services, including oral & eyecare.

The Fortress – working with vulnerable young mothers by helping them to reach their full potential.

Thanks to all who have prayed for, participated in and supported our mission activities over the past year.

To know more contact: office@westcan.co.uk
